Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Tonight, I Don't Want to Trust God

Trust requires a relinquishing of all that entangles the hands of surrender to raise. When trust transcends the chaotic stresses of life, one is able to experience peace while resting in the joy of the Lord. The receiver of the trust we give operates in full dominion of the outcome of our surrender.

Tonight. I did not want to trust God.

Tonight. All of my dreams and aspirations flooded my mind. Where inspiration & excitement should overflow, neither existed. I thought about all the people that let me down. The ones that said, "I got you. We family". I thought about all the time wasted. How unworthy I am to do anything for God, to represent Him. (Moses complex?)

Tonight. I knew if I sought the source of my strength, the relief that my soul desperately needed would be satisfied. I knew if I could only touch the hem of His garment, I would be healed. I knew if I would just follow Him, get out the boat and keep my eyes on Him, I would be just fine.

But tonight. I did not want to trust God. I felt comfortable in my misery. To be stagnant was a far greater attraction than risking God actually changing me. I was protecting my comfort zone, when in fact, I was the hostage of my own fears. 

I know the answer to the question I am about to ask, but here it is.

Why do we reject and run from that which is able to heal?

He relives our distress. He carries our burdens. He heals our sickness. He frees our chains. He loves our brokenness. He raises our dead.

Last week I wrote on Transplant Rejection and the reflective characteristics of how the body rejects that which is good, as we reject the Word and the presence of God, when it is by THAT renewal we are revived. 

Psalm 80:3 says, Turn us again, oh God, and cause thy face to shine and we shall be saved.
God must literally turn me. 

Oh how stiffnecked we are!! What manner of pride is in our hearts?  Preventable death is a surrender away, but ever so close do we hold our sin. This is foolishness.

Reach for God. Fight towards Him. Ah! There's no better love. Oh the richness of His love. It overflows as it pours out. How can the finite contain that which is infinite? We are filled forevermore. Jesus said in John 4:14 that whosoever drinks of My water shall never thirst again", which insinuates that any other substance that we intake for satisfaction, will never quench our yearnings.

Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28 

Repentance. I repent. I relinquish my stubbornness. I set aside my pride to the fire. 

Tonight. I trust in God period

Enhancing His Kingdom,
E.D. Jackson Jr.

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