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My intention of this post was to show my frustration at how those that scream, "Be tolerant" are intolerant to the ones they scream, but my focus has been shifted.
Now, I want to reassure, clarify and comfort those to which were hurt by the comments of Phil Robertson. Take note, I am not apologizing for what he said, only clarifying.
I've heard of Duck Dynasty; the back-wood, long-beard & gun-toting family that has a reality show. Here recently, Phil Robertson, one of the family members, has gained significant exposure, while losing exposure at the same time with A&E. Here is a snippet from the GQ interview that has temporarily suspended the reality show.
“Everything is blurred on what’s right and what’s wrong,” he says. “Sin becomes fine.”
What in your mind is sinful?
“Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there.
Read More http://www.gq.com/entertainment/television/201401/duck-dynasty-phil-robertson#ixzz2nvSJBmoG
Well, I would first say that we do not need to morph from homosexual behavior in order to communicate that which is sinful. For the purpose of clarity, our sinfulness has morphed from our disobedience and rebellion to God, all that is a sinful act is but the manifestation of our sinful heart. Everything that is a delight to the eyes is not a delight unto God. At the root of the fall of man was not deception, but a frustration to the command of God. What in my mind is sinful? Wrong question. What in the mind of God is sinful? That should be the question.
The acknowledgment of sin in my mind is different than that of the mind of God. My mind contains justification for my sinful actions, whereas God would simply contain unadulterated holiness, where anything other than would be cosmic treason. Sin is what separates us from God, Jesus is who reconciles us back to God. There is no greater reality than the reality that stems from God. If God says it, then it is so. Who are we to rage and rebuke the Creator? Who am I but a creation that depends on the touch of God.
Our acknowledgment of sin is not a declaration of hatred towards the person in that sin, but it acknowledges our treason against the Almighty God. Surprise, surprise, homosexuality is not the only sin in this world, the very author of this blog has his share of sin. But it is SIN and we must admit that.
1 John 1:9 says that if we confess our sins, He (God) is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins. Right there, another reality sets in! We can be forgiven. Through Christ Jesus, it is possible for us to no longer be at enmity against God. There is no longer any condemnation for those that are to be found in Christ Jesus. And through the obedience of One, we shall be made righteous. This can be true for the homosexual, the drunk and the terrorist. And this can be true for you.
"For He hath made Him (Jesus) to be sin for us, who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him" and this is Unto His Glory (2 Corinthians 5:21).
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