Friday, December 6, 2013

Begging For More Than Money

Photo credit: Stephan Geyer 
At the stoplight stands a man with a sign that reads, "I need money. Hard times. God Bless". 

We have all seen this scenario many times and have probably ignored that person. At least for me, I usually make no eye contact, keeping my focus straight ahead. 

But God soon started dealing with me about my actions.

He began to reveal to me that what people needed more than money, was love. This does not go just for the beggar on the street, this goes for all of humanity. Regardless of race, sexual-preference, political position or favorite musical genre, we as humans must be reinforced with the love and power of God. It is unkind, high-minded and inconsiderate to ignore someone who is in need.

I am reminded of the passage in Acts 3 of the lame man who begged daily at the gate of the temple. There are 2 acts that Peter did that we should learn and imitate. 

  1. Acknowledge and speak to the person.
  2. Give something to the person.

Peter made it very clear that he did not have any money to give but what he did have, he would give (Acts 3:6). Sometimes we have the tendency to only communicate what we want in life, but fail to realize what we need. We don't realize the root of our issues. The beggar was lame, which attributed to his inability to work. So what he needed was healing. Maybe the next time you see a beggar, you see the root and pray that the power of God make it right. Don't just ignore them, for what if God ignored you? 

We are in desperate need of saving. We are that beggar. But the root cause of our problem is not a broken leg, but a broken relationship. And Jesus has walked by, noticing not only what we wanted, but what we needed. He has spoken to us and acknowledged our existence and He has given us something worth more than money, He has given us healing. He has given us hope. He has given us salvation. 

Let us be like Jesus the next time we see a beggar. Don't ignore them, but give them what you have. Healing, Hope & Salvation. 

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