Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The Lord Has Come: 5 Reasons to Rejoice

The Lord Has Come
Photo Credit: salempeters.com
Every Christmas we are bombarded with images of Santa Clause, reindeer and the chaos of Christmas shopping. Although Christmas is rich in meaning, it has been significantly diluted to focus our attention elsewhere. The essence of this holiday is to celebrate not only the birth of the Son of God, but the presence of our Lord. While the world is announcing that Santa Clause is coming, we are announcing that the Lord has come and we have reason to rejoice. (Click to Tweet)

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Homosexuals, Drunks & Terrorists

Picture of Phil Robertson

My intention of this post was to show my frustration at how those that scream, "Be tolerant" are intolerant to the ones they scream, but my focus has been shifted. 

Now, I want to reassure, clarify and comfort those to which were hurt by the comments of Phil Robertson. Take note, I am not apologizing for what he said, only clarifying. 

Friday, December 13, 2013

Deliver Me

This is serious. 

For the past week, I have seemingly been in a decline in my relationship with God. This might be a short time compared to some, but imagine holding your breath for a week or not eating for a week. This has been my reality.

You see, sin is an interesting thing. We can be drawn to it, pleasured by it and enslaved through it. Sin is a sickening thing. 

Sin is not simply a verb that is performed contrary to God, but sin is the essence of our flesh, which brings the fruit of sinful actions. If I could borrow from Isaac Newton, "Errors are not in the art but in the artificers". That is to say, sin, as an action, is not the problem, but we, the sinner. Our sinful acts are set in motion. What I do is fruit of who I am, but praise be to God that who I am is being changed by the Great I Am. 

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Praying Unto His Glory- Jeremiah 24:7

Praying Perfectly
It has been a whole month since I last posted "Perfect Prayer". Last month I was concentrating on the 3-part series, The Glorious Gospel in the Beauty of the Church you can check it out here.  

If you haven't been keeping up with this current series, Praying Unto His Glory is a collection of verses that I believe pay the highest compliment to God, while serving to assure us that a perfect prayer has been prayed. 

The Perfect Prayer this week is Jeremiah 24:7.

And I will give them a heart to know me, that I am the Lord: and they shall be my people, and I will be their God: for they shall return unto me with their whole heart. 

Friday, December 6, 2013

Begging For More Than Money

Photo credit: Stephan Geyer 
At the stoplight stands a man with a sign that reads, "I need money. Hard times. God Bless". 

We have all seen this scenario many times and have probably ignored that person. At least for me, I usually make no eye contact, keeping my focus straight ahead. 

But God soon started dealing with me about my actions.

He began to reveal to me that what people needed more than money, was love. This does not go just for the beggar on the street, this goes for all of humanity. Regardless of race, sexual-preference, political position or favorite musical genre, we as humans must be reinforced with the love and power of God. It is unkind, high-minded and inconsiderate to ignore someone who is in need.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Part III- The Reconciliation of the Church

For Part 1 and Part 2 of this series
Meme of the church
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The power of God unto salvation” is the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ. There is no mistaking that the capability to call someone out of darkness, into a light of marvelous-ness, is only by the grand power of God. It is not by chance that nothing becomes something. Who can make the mountains quake? And who can make the earth tremble at their presence? A response to which I hear a grand choir of silence. There is none. If there is one thing that we should understand about God, it is that He accomplishes the impossible. The Gospel reconciles impossible man to a possible God. It transforms the wretchedness of our being into the radiance and glory of Christ, His Church and His Bride.

Over the last several weeks I have received many comments concerning church membership, church attendance and abandoning the church. The majority of the comments stem from a broken relationship between the Church and the individual. I have heard it said "the Church is like a hospital full of sick people wanting to be healed" and this is true in every sense.