So it is understood that transplant rejection is not exclusive to the medical field, but it is also reflected in the health of our spirit. Once the truth of God invades our surroundings, the first instinct of our flesh is to reject that which is foreign. As an intruder to a home, those within the home will defend it with all of their strength. Here lies the heartbreaking truth. Those within the home are hostages and the One desiring to enter, is not an intruder, but the Redeemer. “We must not simply entertain truth as a guest, but as the Master of the house” (Alistair Begg “The Truth of God”).
When the body rejects an organ, it is the immune system of the body that destroys the very tissue that was purposed to heal. In comparison, the nature of our spirit is dead, being held hostage by the wages of sin. Our hearts are so set at enmity against God and His holiness, that we are naturally disposed to oppose that which is right. We have forsaken Him. We burn incense unto other gods, while worshiping the work of our own hands. Giving glory to the creature, rather than the Creator. In Jeremiah 2:13, the prophet speaks on behalf of God on the idolatry on which Israel is guilty:
My people have committed two evils; they have forsaken Me, the fountain of living waters and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water.
We see this in our own lives. Where God has given His living water, we seek bitter streams. Where He has granted safe haven, we settle for broken vessels. We change the truth of God into a lie. We profess ourselves to be wise, becoming fools. It is from the actions of a fool that rejects the chastening of God. A fool destroys the truth. He creates his own and dismantles anyone who projects the truth of God. As the Church undergoes attack and the truth of God withstands aggression from relativism, neo-paganism and the assortment of tactics to dismantle our belief, I can hear the very word of God repeated, as it was in Jeremiah 2:30. We accept no discipline, no truth and any person delivering the Word of God, we strike down. This is why we should pray, Turn us again, and cause Thy face to shine and we shall be saved (Psalm 80:3).
Enhancing His Kingdom,
E.D. Jackson Jr.
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