Wednesday, September 18, 2013

In the Beginning...Unto His Glory

God Created. 

These two words are powerful, for without God there would be no creation, therefore leading to the absence of humanity and all that we distinguish. You see friends, creation is all around us. It is found in the water that sustains us, the monuments that we photograph, the planets we discover and in our reflection in the mirror

This world has seen the phenomenal ingenuity of mankind; from the likes of Thomas Edison to Steve Jobs, Orville and Wilbur Wright to George Washington Carver. Each person had an extraordinary idea to change the paradigm of society. In all of their research and understanding, they possessed an end result that they desired to see, a sort of "end from the beginning" complex, if you will. This involved trial and error, mistakes and failures, but as we think about God, as Creator, He, in His omniscience, knows exactly how things will end. Even as I write this blog, I know the scope of what I am writing, but I am limited in my ability to know what the last word will actually say. I will not tell you the amount of times I re-wrote that sentence, but it goes to show we hold limitations in the foresight of our creativity. 

Every creator begins with a blank slate or an empty page. Every creator has a purpose in why they create. Every creator creates for some type of satisfaction, a manifestation of their inner thoughts, to create something tangible and materialistic.

God created, you.

He began His creation with nothing, save Himself and had a purpose for this creation. In all of my adolescent years through my years attending college and after, I struggled with understanding the purpose for my existence. One of my favorite artists, Sleeping at Last, penned it this way:

 "Though my hands are prone to trial and error, I'm crossing my fingers for something to hold. 
I can't help but hope for brighter, here in the shadows of letting go. 
God, may these good intentions be the outline of so much more. 
When I breathe, from now on, I'll mean it more than ever I did before".

In our search to discover purpose and a sense of acceptance, herein rests the purpose of creating this blog. If ever there was a clear description in why God created us, it is found in Isaiah 43:7, "even everyone that is called by my name: for I have created him for My glory, I have formed him; yea, I have made him".

This is "Unto His Glory".

Enhancing His Kingdom,
E. D. Jackson Jr. 

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