This is not an attack on any one individual on any show, for we all need the Grace of God, but this is an attack on mainstream media and how they are exploiting the "special" ones in order to mock the Gospel.

derision; ridicule.
Hello Friends. The issue that I will attempt to expound on has been heavy on my heart for quite some time and it has plagued our television for years. In an attempt to diminish the lines of Christendom, destroy the sacredness of Holy Scripture, while perverting and making common the Gospel of Jesus Christ, mainstream media is accomplishing exactly that.
It seems that every time I look up, there is a subtle attack on the Bible, not just Christianity, but the Bible. You see, the Bible encompasses Sola Scriptura, Scripture Alone and from that authority found in scripture, rest the convictions of Christianity. It is not necessarily an attack on Christians, but an attack on the foundation by which Christians stand.
These onslaughts come in various forms, but I will only cover (3) three:
- As I watch the news, listen to the music and turn from various TV shows, the lines of Christendom are becoming blurred with other religious sects. How? Take a show like Amish Mafia. I have no qualms with those that live the life of an Amish, but Mafia? Really? The dialogue and activities that are revealed on this show brings the viewer to believe, "they really are all the same". It blurs the line of distinction between Biblical Christianity and that of crazed believers. Shows like "Best Funeral Ever" and "Sister Wives" seems to flirt with Biblical truths; either by documenting outrageous funerals where "wailers" are paid to cry or by explaining to viewers it is possible to celebrate a 10-year anniversary with your husband and a 2-year anniversary with your boyfriend.
- I have also seen the sacredness of Scripture displayed in front of a firing squad, through the attacks of blatant rebellion against the Word of God. Shows like "Snake Salvation" and "The Sisterhood" are full of misinterpreted scripture, fallacious advice and insane arguments, in spite of Proverbs 29:22. After watching a preview of Sisterhood on YouTube, I was literally, pardon my language, flabbergasted at one of the wives explaining how she tells some of her members it was acceptable to use sex toys and sexually please themselves in order to stay pure before marriage. Let me just say, straying from the focal point of one lust to only be fulfilled by another is still fulfilling that same lust. SomeTHING else just fulfilled it.
- And this is the big one. I believe the Gospel is becoming too familiar in this world. We have been bitten with the bug of familiarity. The Gospel has become a "Jesus is my homeboy" t-shirt, carrying no "power unto salvation" as it does in Romans 1:16. As we encounter skeptics and others outside the Faith, once we say "I am a Christian, I want to share the Gospel", all of the images that have been repeated over the airwaves, flood their minds. "Oh, you're one of 'them'", type stares comes across their face, as they picture you having convulsions or falling out on tongues.
Mockery means to ridicule. Christianity has been ridiculed, but God will not be mocked. We need to be ever so watchful of WHAT is going on socially because it is largely responsible for HOW we will be able to engage society with the Gospel.
Enhancing His Kingdom,
E.D. Jackson Jr.