As the sun set on the night of Halloween, for my family, it was like preparing for the Purge. Locked doors, closed windows and the appearance of an empty house, as to avoid any trick or treaters. I remember one night as I was going upstairs to my room, I heard a knock on the door, turning around, I saw the most ugliest mask I had ever seen. I ran to my room, closed the door and jumped in my bed. As I laid, I thought I heard footsteps on the roof. Let's just say it wasn't a peaceful night for me.
When we think about the scariest and most grotesque images, rarely do we think about the reality of the flesh. We typically focus on what our eyes see, the object of our vision and rarely do we focus on ourselves.
The flesh is a deteriorating, rebellious and desperate beast to which we are enslaved by the biddings of its voice. You will never find intrinsic beauty in the flesh. It is concerned with no one but the gratification of self. All guidelines and commands that are set by God are ignored because the flesh is its own god.
The deep issue of our flesh is it's desire to rebel against God, its desire to sin. Paul says in Romans 8:8 that those that are in the flesh cannot please God. There is no ability or desire within the flesh to do what God has commanded to do. It is in direct opposition to Him. There is treason within the ranks and the flesh stands proudly against the Commander, setting flight to corruption, disorder and ultimately death.
So what is the scariest mask that you have seen on Halloween? The cool thing about a mask is that you can take it off whenever you please and if it is too scary, switch it out for a less intimidating one.
But let's think about Jesus this Halloween.
Jesus Christ put on the most unacceptable, appalling and abominable costume known; Jesus put on flesh. He did not just put on the mask of flesh. He didn't just pretend to experience the weakness of man and the wrath of the Father, but He became flesh. "And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us" (John 1:4). This wasn't a costume that He could take off, but a position He obediently accepted.
This Halloween, as you see the plethora of creepy things and horrid masks, remember that the Word became flesh for you. Father God in His perfect and righteous judgement must cast away all flesh, for it cannot please God. We were at enmity against God, with an infinite gap between us and Him, but because of Jesus, the Word made flesh, He fulfilled all the righteous requirements unto God and belief in Him brings us into right-standing again.
Jesus endured the rejection of the Father and became the trick for our treat. He is our salvation. He is our hope. Let us give glory to God for His plan to save us by sending His Son in the likeness of sinful flesh. During this time of ghouls and death, remember that Jesus died, so that we can live. Amen.
Further Studies:
John 1:14
Romans 8:3
Philippians 2:8